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What lessons have you learned recently? What type of new ideas and inspirational thinking are you proactively putting into your head?

What you learn determines how quickly you grow.

If the only time you learn is when you make a mistake, your path to success will be slow and painful. You’ll run out of time before you get to where you want to be.

On the other hand, you can rapidly accelerate your march towards success by going out of your way to learn. By obsessing about new thoughts and ideas before you need them. Filling your mind with fresh thoughts and inspired thinking.

If you’re looking for inspiration, here are a few places to get started:

  • Power up your soul and get inspired by watching TD Jakes deliver a powerful punch of spirituality in his weekly sermon.
  • Find fresh sale ideas and tough love accountability from Anthony Iannarino at his The Sales Blog.
  • Learn how to turn your thoughts into a superpower with Vishen Lakhiani at Mindvalley Acadamy.
  • Develop true leadership skills for business and life from David Brock on this Partners in EXCELLENCE blog.
  • Take your product to the next level with incredible inspiration from Yanko Design.
  • Read the impassioned stories of other people on their journey in life at Narratively.
  • Propel your personal productivity forward with amazing insights from the one-and-only James Clear.
  • Get a fresh taste of awesome and energy by getting involved in anything Grant Cardone is leading.

Being awesome is never an accident. It’s a choice. A calculation.

Success is intentional. You make it happen. Or you don’t.

Don’t make the mistake of only learning after you screw something up.

Go out of your way to learn something new and awesome each day. Even when it seems like you don’t need to.

You do. Your life depends on it. Your greatness hangs in the balance.

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