Miriam Slozberg influence

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Over the last few weeks, Klout has been less than stable. Scores are suddenly falling, and then suddenly spiking. In fact, there has been a lot more happening with the company than most people know. Joe Fernadez, who was the co-founder of Klout suddenly stepped down. The sudden changes in the score could be a result of what is happening, however the point of this post is to show you that there are plenty more ways to spread online influence than only having a high Klout score. Having a high Klout score itself does not define influence. However, I want to share 9 powerful ways you can spread online influence.

1. Create Good Quality Profiles– If you create Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or LinkedIn profiles- make sure you have a clean picture of yourself as your avatar and fill out information on your professional role and on you in general. Also be sure to add your contact information such as a website and your other social media profiles.

2. Write Up Informative Blog Posts and Share on your Networks– One way to create influence is to write up good quality blog posts that are relevant to your niche. Always deliver value. Be sure to share them on your networks. The more you share, the more of a follower base you will grow. By the way don’t forget to add #hashtags. You want others to find you easily!

3. Share Other People’s Content– Look for other people’s content that is similar to the type of content you write up and be sure to share it. Not only will that look good on you since you show that you care about what others are writing- however you will find your following on your networks increasing.

4. Share Inspiring Content– It is best to share content that is relevant to your niche 80% of the time. However, 20% of the time share something inspiring such as a nice quote, a nice picture (dessert, animal, scenery) as that will be a good indicator that you are a real person instead of someone who shares only business or niche related content which can hide your personality.

5. Engage with Others– If all you do is share and never engage, then others will leave your tribe. If you don’t engage with your followers, then that will not look good on you. Be sure to like photos or content that your friends share, or retweet/favorite their content. You may not be able to thank everyone to retweets you, but if you engage with them in other places- that will make them happy. Engaging with your tribe shows them that you care.

6. Create a Podcast– You may not want to rush into this right away, however creating a podcast will increase your influence. In fact I had written some content about podcasts that you may want to check out here.

7. Create Videos– OK I admit this is one area that I am lacking in. I know I have to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to video creation however, the reality is- creating videos is a great way to spread online influence. You can even create powerpoint videos if you are just not ready to be in front of the camera. I will move towards taking my own advice here!

8. Create Your Own Quotes– There is no better way than to create online influence than creating your own quotes! I actually created quotes on parenting to help build up my Expressive Mom blog. A great tool to help you get your quotes out there is if you invest in the Aha Amplifier “which will help you create influence by amplifying quality Aha Moments (quotes)”. Check out the video on the page to find out more, and be sure to check out my Expressive Mom Aha Book.

9. Use Common Sense on Social Media– Sharing inappropriate content (anything explicit, hateful, graphic) will hurt your reputation, as well as constantly complaining. Remember what you also do offline can easily go viral online. Especially if you are caught doing something illegal or becoming intoxicated. People do take pictures with their phones and can easily share it online. Once that happens, that can be quite harmful.

Worry less about your Klout score, and worry more about becoming more influential online.

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