This evening I will be home with my husband and our dogs.  This is our choice.  Going out on New Year’s Eve is just not us.  But to all of you who are heading out, have fun and be safe.

The days of making resolutions are behind us.  I’ve made resolutions.  Some were broken some were kept and over the years I have made changes in my life to be the person of substance that I want to be.  At the same time, I accept the things that I don’t necessarily like about myself but that are never going to change and don’t really have to.  I have a solid foundation.  I am not neat.  I am not “naturally” organized.  I’m not thin and don’t have a flair for dancing.  Oh well…  Being described as nice, caring, thoughtful, giving, polite, creative and nice (yes, I did list that twice and proud of it) are more meaningful to me.

If you make a New Year’s Resolution, please consider what is truly meaningful to you.

All the Best,


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