Linked Local Network is here to provide a digital platform where an online community connects via social media networks to the local offline community resulting in a better global community. Linked Local Network is your online source for information. We are your stepping stone to the world outside your door and your hyper-link across the globe. We are a gathering place for individuals, businesses, non-profits and the public sector to come together in the virtual world and in the real world.

We are a network of communities built around common interests locally and beyond. We are more than a destination. We are a journey. Explore, connect, discover, learn. Helping businesses everywhere to build their digital dominance the easy ways using various tools such as: Google Ad Words, Google Photos, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Email, Twitter, website design, website maintenance, blogging… all of these tools all necessary to create and sustain a digital presence. Yet… Who has the time and the expertise? Maintaining a website and creating your online presence are time consuming and expensive.

Now, there is an alternative… The Signature Page created by Linked Local Network. We are your link to your local community and your connection to your global community. Link locally. Connect globally. The Linked Local Network provides its members with greatly enhanced opportunities to build their connections and networks and improve their businesses. We welcome all  members who are committed to participation and therefore superior results from their networking efforts, both online and offline.

Our Mission:

Linked Local Network Mission Statement

Linked Local Network Mission Statement

We would like to get your feedback about how this network can benefit you.  Your suggestions and ideas about resources, activities, events and content would be greatly appreciated.  Please tell us what you think !

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