KPHRED Prime Live - Talking with the citizens of KPHREDLand -  harshest life lesson you have learned

At your age, what is the harshest life lesson you have learned so far?

Phred and female co-host Barbara Wainwright, Founder of Wainwright Global Inc. go down the rabbit hole with the topic: At your age, what is the harshest life lesson you have learned so far? with our guests.
Cat Becker is on the road today so she will be listening.


Tess Booker – Business and Beyond
Denise Lanton – True Grit
Professor Howard Larson – TradeShow Fanatic
James White Sr – A Better World with Integrity

Studio Guests:

Tiffany Alexander
Brian Lauchner
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Next-generation Human-Designed & AI-Enhanced Internet Co-creator radio station, podcast library and YouTube channel. KPHRED Radio is the culmination of 14+ years of effort started by Mike Boehler and Fred McMurray. Mike may not be here but his dream lives on.

Our Co-hosting Team

KPHRED Prime Live - Talking with the citizens of KPHREDLand
Barbara Wainwright, CEO & Founder of Wainwright Global Institution of Professional Coaching

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