You can’t be like everybody else if you expect to be successful.

It doesn’t matter what you think about when you think about success, you won’t achieve it without being different.

In other words, you’re going to have to be weird. A little bit odd. Sometimes even nutty.

The hard truth is that most people aren’t successful.

They never will be.

They’re too busy making excuses and pointing fingers to work on getting to where they want to be.

The not-weird thing to do is what everyone else is doing.

  • Not saving, living on a budget, or automatically investing in the future before spending money .
  • Not developing important personal skills like empathy, resilience, patience, and thoughtfulness.
  • Not to keep trying once whatever you have attempted doesn’t work out the very first time.

The not-weird thing to do is the least amount of effort.

Unless someone is watching.

It’s about avoiding the things that would cause other people to laugh at you. To notice that you’re invested in being successful.

They smirk because it matters deeply to you that you get to where you want to be. That’s just weird. 

“You care too much”, they tell you. “Be reasonable”, they try to coax you down. “You’re making too big of a deal about it. You’re too intense. Let it go.”

And the non-weird thing to do is exactly what they tell you.

To not be so committed.

To slow down. And try to fit in.

If you’re going to be successful, you’re going to have to avoid doing the non-weird thing. It has to be a habit.

You’re either all in or not in at all.

The post Avoiding The Not-Weird Thing. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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