A few more smiles each day will transform your life.
It’s hard not to feel empowered when you’re smiling. You can’t not feel confident and prepared, focused and creative when you’re around people who are smiling back at you.
That’s the power of a smile.
It can change the course of an entire day for you. One kind word from someone you respect can brighten your outlook and enrich your ability to perform at a higher level.
It’s true for you. It’s true for the people you work with, go to church with, play sports with, and those you just happen to bump into from time to time.
A smile goes a long way.
For you and for them.
While you are strategizing about opportunities to drive new revenue and get better results from your marketing this year think about how you can create more smiles. While you are strategizing ways to develop better leaders and empower your workforce, don’t overlook the impact of team members who know how to smile.
It makes a big difference.
It’s better motivation than a big bonus. It’s more motivating then the fear of losing your job.
And it’s completely free. Free to do. Free to share. Free to return. It just requires a little bit of thoughtfulness.
Plan to smile more. Prepare to smile more.
Be deliberate about it.
Smile on.
The post Awesome People Smile More. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.
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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…