International sensation “Talk Like A Pirate Day” is Friday, September 19. By now you’ve probably got a pirate name, outfit and know how to talk like a pirate. If not, go here – fast – because there isn’t much time.

With the basics safely under control, it’s time to make yourself stand out. This wonderful holiday only comes once a year, so make the best of it and gather unusual props.

Pirate Props To Make A Statement

1. Carry a parrot on your shoulder all day. Make sure it’s wings are clipped and it doesn’t eat your ear.

Think of her beak as a very sharp, strong can opener on the end of her face

Think of her beak as a very sharp, strong can opener on the end of her face


2. Combine International Pirate Day with Bring Your Dog To Work Day. It’s okay if you don’t work in an office, just bring your Pirate Dog with you where ever you go. Be sure he/she has a pirate name.


Dewey The Destroyer

Dewey The Destroyer

3.  Find a cohort to dress up with you. Make them call you Captain and do your bidding. Better yet, find a dog and human wearing matching pirate costumes.


Scurvy Stephen with Mia the Merciless and Dewey the Destroyer

Scurvy Stephen with Mia the Merciless and Dewey the Destroyer

4. Make an Aye Aye your companion. Be sure to name him Captain. If you’re unfamiliar with the Aye Aye, check out Ze Frank’s hilarious short video “True Facts About the Aye Aye”.

Happy National Talk Like A Pirate Day!

May the F-Arrr-ce be with ye, Mateys!

Your IFF,

Poopdeck Pam

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