Did you know that swearing can reduce pain? I mean when you swear not when someone swears at you.

Researchers have learned that swearing, unlike other types of speech, uses brain circuitry that’s linked to emotion.

Normal language comes from the outer layers of the brain’s left hemisphere whereas expletives are buried deep inside the right half. Swearing engages the amygdala which triggers the fight-or-flight response and increases heart rate. This in turn results in decreased sensitivity to pain.

I suffer from migraines and profanity is one treatment I’ve never tried so I decided to give it a chance.

Because I live with a parrot, initially I cursed under my breath as I didn’t want Amy to hear me. Whispering was totally ineffective.

Alternatively, it didn’t seem to make sense to say the words at a normal tone – no value in wasting good profanity – so I clamored my curses.

In response, Amy reacted more to my volume than my words. She loves the sound of my voice. With each new malediction, Amy barked back at the top of her lungs.

In short bursts, I highly doubted she would learn to call me an a**hole in the presence of strangers.

Our exchange continued for only a few minutes before I decided that cursing would not cure my ills. Frankly, I’m glad to have stopped because I need time to find a dead mole to bind to my head – another treatment I’ve yet to try.

All in all it was a good experiment but I swear Amy’s calling me a bastard.

May the farce be with you!

Your IFF,


No foul language around the fowl

Use caution when spouting foul language around the fowl


About the Author

Pam Waits has more than 20 years of experience in human resources with 10 years in the top HR spot for mid-sized companies. She currently works as a Human Resources consultant. Additionally, she holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Pam is also a writer and humorist, defying the perception that human resource professionals lack a sense of humor. She’s a leader who believes humor is an important part of a healthy business culture and a necessary part of life. 
If you’re too busy to laugh, you’re too busy.

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