Miriam Slozberg is a Canadian mom, a freelance writer, an astrologer, and a blogger, and is the host of The Expressive Mom Show.  The Expressive Mom Show covers the unconventional side to parenting and to anything else in life that needs to be put out there. The key is that only off-the-wall and unconventional topics will be covered with unique guests sometimes. Other times she will be chatting it up solo if she has something passionate she wants to share. Boring doesn’t fly, which is not a surprise since Miriam is a Type 4 on the Enneagram model and has a Leo sun in the 8th house, which is not synonymous with anything ordinary. Go and have a listen, and be prepared to be blown away with what you will be learning.
The Expressive Mom Show will air on Wednesdays at 1 pm PST or 4 pm EST. 

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Book Review: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Sewing Clothes – Expressive Mom

The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Sewing Clothes is the latest book from Joi Mahon. The book is composed of all the skills a new or experienced sewer would benefit from learning or improving so that they can create a wardrobe of fashionable garments with an expertly...

How To Make The Most Out Of A Short Trip To Disney – Expressive Mom

Taking the family on a trip to Disney World in Orlando can be an enchanting experience. However, to get the most out of it, ample planning and prep work is often required. Knowing ahead of time which rides to ride, which places to eat, and which attractions can’t be...

How To Advocate for Yourself in the Workplace

To feel empowered and confident at your job, you must learn the importance of self-advocacy. You’re an essential cog in your company’s machine, and you deserve a healthy work environment. Learn how to advocate for yourself in the workplace and you’ll set yourself up...

10 Life Hacks Every Dog Owner Should Know – Expressive Mom

Fido is your pet, and you know that you want to give them the best possible life. However, the responsibility of caring for your dog is a big one, and dog owners would benefit from knowing about some important life hacks, especially when caring for their pets. That’s...

Smart Tips for Managing Time Better Through the Workday

Do you find yourself struggling to get through the workday? Does it seem like everyone else has time management down, but you can’t get it? We’re here to help you learn some vital time management skills so you can get back on track. Here are some smart tips for...

5 Tips For Taking A Mental Health Detox

Have you ever found yourself thinking about how stressful your life is? Maybe it’s due to all of the work that has piled up, or perhaps something else altogether. Our minds are constantly confronted with information and stressors from our external environment–it can...

Great Ways To Recognize Your Remote Team Members

Just because you’re working remotely doesn’t mean that you can’t recognize your teammates for doing a good job. It’s always important to deliver some much-needed positive reinforcement. Working remotely can be lonely, and a nice gesture can do a lot to boost someone’s...

7 Best Work At Home Jobs For People With Depression

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to WHO, at least 264 million people worldwide of all ages suffer from depression, and I am one of those people. The unfortunate thing is, despite what many in the so-called wellness industry say, you cannot cure...

What Is The Solution To Keep Dust From Accumulating In Your Closet? – Expressive Mom

Have you ever gone too long between cleaning days? Are the kids’ rooms getting a little too messy for comfort? Studies have shown that the average U.S. house accumulates more than 40 pounds of dust per year. Not only does this present a burden on your cleaning...

How Social Media Is Kryptonite For Anyone With Mental Illnesses During The Era Of COVID-19

The COVID-19 era has been a difficult and disastrous time for people. No one has to talk about the grief-stricken and devastating effects families endured from losses of loved ones, losses of their jobs, closing down businesses, children losing out on a stable...

Managing Your Chronic Disease And Your Job – Expressive Mom

Do you have a chronic disease? If so, you are not alone. The Centers for Disease Control define chronic diseases as those that limit the activities of daily living or require ongoing medical attention and last at least a year or more. When defined that way, it’s not...

What If The Chocolate Factory Was A Real Place? – Expressive Mom

It’s hard not to love the magical world that Roald Dahl created in his iconic children’s book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Most of us have daydreamed about what it would have been like to win a golden ticket and go on a tour of Willy Wonka’s factory. But how...
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