Microsoft is teaming up with local business experts to share with you best practices for your business, and the latest solutions to help you transform your business plan from an idea to reality. Also, discover tools to keep connected to your business, prospects, partners, and customers whether in the office or on the go.

In support of National Small Business Week, May 4 – 8, Microsoft will host workshops and special events featuring Microsoft Partners, Marketing Experts, and networking opportunities for business owners and local associations.

Power up your business with Surface Pro 3 May 5 at 10AM (click on date to register)

In this workshop, Microsoft shares key benefits of the Surface 3 specifically for small and medium-sized business reeds. Learn how this essential device compatibility and the versatility to work as laptop and tablet. Want to know what the essential differences are between the MacBook Air and Surface Pro 3? Learn all about it. You’ll also have the opportunity to experience key Surface Pro features useful to business professionals with hands-on experience creating invoices, setting up meetings and editing a presentation.

Build an app in an hour Thursday at 6PM

What if it were possible to tell your business or personal story, and share it with the world on a variety of different devices — and in ‘Fur own unique way? With the simplicity of Windows App Studio you can! With mc coding experience, App Studio can help you tell your story. Building an information and promotion app allows you to connect more deeply with current customers, and find new ones. You can also choose to extend the user experience and Functionality of App Studio apps with the deep coding abilities of Visual Studio. After this 60-minute workshop, you’re going to be well on your way to developing and publishing apps — easily, quickly and powerfully. Through your hands-on exposure to Windows App Studio, and a brief introduction to Visual Studio, you’ll gain an understanding of how people are developing amazing apps across all industries and devices!

PC Tune Up in a Snap Saturday and Sunday at 12PM (click on date to register)

Is your computer not running as fast as it used to? Do you have a ton of files sitting on your hard drive? Are you worried that you might have a virus? Do you want to learn more about getting your computer running the way it should? Join us for this workshop where we’ll walk you through easy-to-learn maintenance techniques and storage opportunities in the Cloud. No registration necessary, just show up 15 minutes prior with your computer!

Launch of the Surface 3 on May 5
Surface 3 is coming to your community and we want to celebrate! Join us on May 5 from 4PM to close with a fiesta at the Microsoft store at Woodfield Mall. Put your trivia skills to the test by participating in a local pop culture quiz, snack on fiesta foods and walk away with cool giveaways.

Office 365 for Small Business May 5 at 6PM

Co-Hosted by Microsoft Gold Partner CDH: Accounting and consulting services that make a real difference. At CDH, we’re always moving beyond our comfort zones to find better ways to work. Your complete office in the cloud. Run your business more easily with Office 365. Get everything you need to get work done anytime, anywhere.

Email Marketing: Newsletters and Announcements May 7 at 10AM – 11:30AM

This presentation will provide a deeper look into the importance and effectiveness of why email marketing with social media engagement can drives action. At the heart of small business marketing are the campaigns that drive action – collections of marketing activities that help a small business or organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Newsletters and Announcements have become a core component of those campaign choices. Email is more important than ever – to the communication efforts of businesses and nonprofits everywhere; and to the customer, donor, client or supporter of those organizations. This session will reveal some simple but effective best practices and considerations for the small business or nonprofit seeking to make their email newsletters more effective.

Click here for free register for Email Marketing

Chicago Business Club Lunch & Learn (fee includes lunch): Upcoming Changes Impacting Credit Card Processing May 7 at 12PM – 1:30PM
Guest Speaker Darek Kozlowski, Merchant Services Expert
Learn and achieve more by registering today.
Click here to register for Lunch & Learn

Linked Local Network of Schaumburg Brown Bag Networking Meet third Wednesday of each month at 12PM This event is designed to bring business people together to network in a relaxed open environment where relationships can be started and nurtured. Discuss issues that face your business with other business leaders. Join other business owners and professionals to network and explore business building topics. Bring your own lunch or buy one at one of the many restaurants in Woodfield Mall.  The Microsoft store provides coffee and soft drinks.

We hope to see you soon! Sincerely, Rose Ellen May | Community Development Specialist | Woodfield Mall | 847.466-2830 | |

Microsoft’s mission is to help people and businesses around the world realize their full potential. We work to accomplish this mission through the development of innovative products and services that help people harness the power, opportunities, and benefits of technology.

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