podcasting Miriam Slozberg

Last week I had discussed the importance of podcasting for business owners. The idea of hosting a podcast can be daunting, however I am here to tell you that this can be an easy thing to do. There is never a need to make it complicated, and you don’t need to get fancy equipment and learn to operate new software- unless that is what you want.

The one thing I tell my clients who are looking into creating a podcast is to go to Blog Talk Radio and open up an account. Before you go and do that, you need to think about what type of audience you would want to target. You will also want to think of a catchy name for your show, which may take some brainstorming. Once you have that figured out, you will need to invest in a graphic to use for your show, as well as a jingle. If you go to a micro gig site like Fiverr.com, you can find sellers who will create graphics for your new show, as well as sellers who can sell you royalty free music to use for a jingle. Never take a clip from a jingle that is owned by someone else.

Once you have that planned out, you can sign up for a free account at Blog Talk Radio. However, if you do sign up for free just realize that you will be having to market your podcasts all on your own. Not to mention, you are limited to host a half hour show a day during off hours. A half hour show a week is really all you need and you don’t have to worry about airing during peak hours because all of your podcasts will be archived and people will listen whenever they choose. However, you will be responsible for marketing your shows on your own. With any of the premium services that is offered, Blog Talk Radio will also take part in marketing your shows which will help increase your audience even more. However, to start out, you may want to stick with opening up a free account. You can upgrade at anytime if you feel it is necessary. It is very easy because all you need to do is call into the show, and a phone number will be provided to you.

After that is set up, choose a date and time that you want to air your show. Be sure to keep it consistent. Plan out your episodes and you may want to network with influencers in the niche that is relevant to anything discussed on your podcast. After your show is established, you may want to invite them on as guests.

If this idea makes you uncomfortable, then that is good. In order to grow your presence and create an online influence- that will create some discomfort. Embrace it, and go out there and create that podcast!

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