Are you immersed in interactions yet thirsty for real connection, belonging, and community? What if, instead competing for time and attention, community could be created as something  central in your life and business success?

This Thursday, August 1st at 10am Pacific, join us for a rich conversation with international speaker and community building expert Sahar Kordahi. Hear her story of meeting challenges to claim her purpose – and the powerful message she brings to groups worldwide.

Sahar250As founder of “The Bright Side of Life” women gatherings, Sahar assists women to create powerful communities that foster personal growth, business success, and true leadership.

Sahar’s vision as a speaker is to inspire women globally to come together and share their voices of leadership for greater unity and collaboration. She’s delivered her powerful message of  “ I Belong”  to over 100 women’s conferences, organizations, groups worldwide.

Listen in or join the call,  Thursday August 1, 2013 at Noon Central time.

Call 323-580-5755 to listen by phone, or listen online at the Linked Local Radio Network:
or listen to the reply anytime in iTunes with the On Purpose Show podcast at,


Every Thursday at Noon Central

OnPurposeShow250Join the On-Purpose radio show on the Linked Local Network with Susyn Reeve and Rikk Hansen as they open doors to discover & live a lifework that’s alive with purpose.

Susyn and Rikk share compelling conversations with midlife professionals, entrepreneurs, experts, and authors successfully doing work that expresses their purpose & passion. Learn the secrets and resources from their stories and experience to inspire your on-purpose success. 

Join the conversation on the show’s Facebook page: On Purpose Show

And to listen anytime via iTunes or subscribe to the weekly podcast click =>


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