KPHRED Prime Live - Talking with the citizens of KPHREDLand
Barbara Wainwright, CEO & Founder of Wainwright Global Institution of Professional Coaching
Catryn Becker of the Go The Bad and the Ugly of Business on KPHRED Prime Live

Ladies Choice Question – If you were born the opposite sex than you are, how do you believe your life would have been different?

Phred and female co-host Barbara Wainwright, Founder of Wainright Global Inc. discuss the topic If you were born the opposite sex than you are, how do you believe your life would have been different? Do you think you would have made different choices, been given different opportunities etc? with our guests.

Today’s brings the first The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Business segment with Catryn Becker on KPHRED Prime Live.


Denise Lanton – The Grit and the Grind show

Tess Booker – Business & Beyond.

Deanna Brakefield – Marketing Mojo

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Next-generation Human-Designed & AI-Enhanced Internet Co-creator radio station, podcast library and YouTube channel. KPHRED Radio is the culmination of 14+ years of effort started by Mike Boehler and Fred McMurray. Mike may not be here but his dream lives on.

Barbara Wainwright

Our Co-hosting Team

KPHRED Prime Live - Talking with the citizens of KPHREDLand
Barbara Wainwright, CEO & Founder of Wainwright Global Institution of Professional Coaching

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