A lot of life is outside your control.

Most of the time, no matter what you do, you can’t force other people to do what you want to do.

You can’t instantaneously impact nature or economic trends. You can’t control the weather or the decisions that are made by other people in authority over you.

It’s a complete waste of your time to worry.

The longer you try to fix or focus on things that are outside your control, the more depressed and hopeless you’re going to feel.

It’s inevitable that you’re going to give up. Quit. Decide that life is too unfair for someone like you.

That’s probably because you’re focusing on something you can’t fix. You’re fixated on the wrong thing.

The truth is that for every thing in life you can’t fix, there’s another part of life that you can fix.

Which is powerful, if you can embrace it.

For every thing in life you can’t fix, there’s another part of life that you can fix.

Look around you. Those fixes are everywhere:

  • You can’t control the weather, but you can control that you live in a place where you mostly enjoy the weather.
  • You can’t control the decisions that you’re boss makes, but you can control how long you work for that boss.
  • You can’t control how much you weigh right now, but you can control what you eat and how you exercise from this moment forward.

What you focus on most determines how successful you become.

Your thoughts and dreams and aspirations are a direct result of what you spend your time obsessing about.

Don’t waste that power you have.

Quit whining. Double down on working. Focus on being awesome.

The post Only Focus On What You Can Control. appeared first on Keynote Speaker, Business Strategist & Ultrarunner | Dan Waldschmidt.

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