
Hans Peter Bech


It’s difficult to talk much about today’s economy without considering globalization. No industry is more affected than technology. By now we’ve read dozens of stories about Apple developing products in the US while building them in China and selling them in virtually every county. Articles that suggested that even startups need to consider going global early on. Virtually every technology company located anywhere in the world has to have a strategy that contemplates globalization.


Jim Treleaven

This next 4 part series we review how to go global on a shoestring.

A case study is at: http://tbkconsultblog.com/2013/10/02/going-global-on-a-shoestring/


Jim Yates

Listen to Perspectives On with Jim Treleaven, CEO of Via Strategy Group, LLC, Hans Peter Bech, CEO of TBK Consult and Jim Yates, CEO of Network Magic discuss topics in technology, globalization and business each week on Friday at 9a CST.

Perspectives On: Going Global on a Shoestring p1 of 4 on 10/11/13 at 9am CST

Perspectives On: Going Global on a Shoestring p2 of 4 on 10/18/13 at 9am CST

Perspectives On: Going Global on a Shoestring p3 of 4 on 10/25/13 at 9am CST

Perspectives On: Going Global on a Shoestring p4 of 4 on 11/1/13 at 9am CST


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