I am grateful and thankful for all the effort of the Six Corners Association members and staff into making The Six Corners better for all of us.  A special thank you to Kenji for caring for the family living in The Parklet as well as for introducing me to EveryBlock and the 6CA.

Before physically heading back to Houston I had some banners and a rake to return to Kelli.  When I did she asked if I could have coffee before I left.  Our association Pres was there.  He drives the building housing the bistro that is currently reimagining itself.  On Tuesday he could join us.

So Tuesday came quickly and after another meeting a friend and I headed to City News Cafe for some chilli.  As we finished the two I expected and several others wandered in to join us.

Moving and removing stuff and moving in our stuff has kept me busy and so I have also misplaced Gale’s card but will try to get links here for those who came and I am appreciative of you taking time from your businesses to see me off.  Give me any other link you would like folks to know about and I hope to do blog post for each of you as well as those who could not be there.  Hopefully this fuzzy head remembers well.

Kelli  Our fearless leader

Gale Historian and President

Marc The tireless KleeRer of snow

Joe A Purveyor and visionary of News

Joe O Our Music Man that makes us dance

Jeff A Man of many faces

Mansfield Video’s Mr. Nice Guy

Syd Artist in residence

And so a new chapter begins in which my Six Corners presence is in the clouds.  Beyond that though as much as I enjoyed this send off I am reminded of how the work of the many is often done by the few.  Of course my vision for Six Corners is foreign as I am a foreigner from the country of Texas and Tech.  Look forward to seeing you all soon.  Now to me that means there will be Big Belly Solar and Wifi units with public wifi access and a lot of ibeacons, flat screens and maybe a few robots running around.  I also look forward to seeing how the Six Corners pedestrian safety project moves forward.



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