Six Corners and it’s shopping district is many things to many people.  To me it is home.  There is an association that is there for all of us who live in or have businesses here.  Anne was my first contact.  She was nice enough to consider me family.  My next contact was with Ed Bannon who put many hours into helping our little family.  Currently the person shepherding all of us is Kelli Wefenstette.  On a recent afternoon after a doctors appointment and picking up Indian food for dinner she granted me some time in her busy schedule for an interview.  Kelli comes to us after growing up in a small town in our state.  She did her masters work at Loyola in community development and interned at one of our other government offices.  We are lucky to have her.  The constant theme as we spoke was family. family, family.

Kelli, Anne and Ed have all been instrumental in the recent recovery of our little area.  Twenty five new businesses in the short few years is nothing to sneeze it.  A few here are old enough to be nostalgic for the days when Six Corners was second only to the Loop as a shopping district.  She loves the democratic process.  People from the community are encouraged to participate in committee meetings to further the four themes for redevelopment of our area.  Events is the one that interest me most though those involving economic redevelopment, art and the streetscape have occasionally piqued my interest.

I am hoping that many of you will be interested as well and that Kelli and the Six Corners Association will be called on by you to “provide assistance to our business community and engage our local residents, to transform Six Corners into a thriving commercial district.”

6ck06  Art in entance to building

6ck05  Artistic Logo on door

6ck01  View at Table of Creativity

6ck04  Nostalgia past and present



6ck02  Art in the office


6ck03  and the Art of Work




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