If you can’t manage to get the details right you will never end up achieving the level of success you think you deserve.

Big picture thinking is important.

So is small picture doing.

It’s easy to brush away the details as something that you’ll figure out later.

Something that isn’t a priority right now.

You’re told by gurus and experts to just get your idea out there.

Ship it to the world. You can fix it later.

Or can you?

You’re not guaranteed a second chance at a first impression. You’re not even guaranteed a second chance at all.

Value your idea enough to invest in doing it right.

Think through the angles longer than you think is necessary. Plan and prepare and debate the seemingly insignificant elements of your idea.

Take time to do things right.

You can’t deliver a magical experience on a conveyor belt of mediocrity.

That means that sometimes being awesome is a slow, grinding process.

It’s not easy emotionally or intellectually.

You’re doing something that is hard to do. Something that not many other people dare attempt.

Act like you care. Work like what you’re doing matters.

Don’t be so eager to get things done that you never do anything that’s awesome enough to change the world.

Focus on the details.

The post Take Time To Do Things Right. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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