A lot of your time is spent waiting.

You’re working. You’re investing in the right training. You’re doing things.

Not just sitting idly by. But you’re waiting.

Waiting for the effort you’ve invested to start paying off. Waiting for the right time to kick-off the next step in your strategy.

Waiting for things outside of your control to turn your direction.

You’re waiting. Still busy. Still bothered. Waiting for the change you’ve been working towards.

That’s a dangerous time. A precarious position.

You want things to change, but you can easily destroy all of your hard work if you push too hard.

Which is why it matters that you maintain the right perspective. That you remind yourself of what really matters.

Your big goal is more important that how you feel right now.

Progress isn’t about you forcing success to fit your timeline. It’s about keeping your head straight as you manage everything outside your control.

Sometimes what looks like taking a step back is really just you strategizing the right opportunity to run a hundred miles forward.

Don’t be distracted and discouraged by a lack of obvious next steps.

Wait. Work. Fight. Lead. Pursue awesomeness relentlessly.

The post The Art Of The Wait. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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