You’ll never achieve epic business success without being able to master the art of saying “NO”.

Running from trouble is a recipe for career disaster. Pretending like problems don’t exist is a fast path to corporate ruin.

It’s all in the games that we play.

We don’t quickly respond to emails that should just have a simple “NO” as a reply. We attach 47 people to the same email in the hopes that someone else will make a decision that we don’t want to have to deal with.

We schedule meetings and create focus groups to surface ideas that give us leverage around obstacles that could be clearly solved with a firm “NO”.

That’s the difference “NO” makes.

“NO” it’s not a good time right now.“NO” we don’t have budget for that expenditure right now. “NO” we aren’t going to lose focus and pursue that new shiny object.

No. No. No. No. No. It’s a simple word. It’s clear.“NO” means“NO”. Its not a negative word.

It is a powerfully positive word.

It’s a word that reminds us to focus on what really matters and not be distracted by trendy new ideas. It’s a word that demands results without excuse, complacency, or mediocrity. It’s a word that signifies the candid leadership that high-potential, fast-growth organizations need to exemplify.

It’s tempting to be purposely vague so that you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings and still motivate your team to think outside the box. Right?

“NO” can be hard to deliver.

Business gurus will tell you that if you shut the door on new ideas that your team will stop surfacing innovation to you. That’s just silliness.

“NO” isn’t an excuse for arrogance and classless demagoguery.“NO” liberates you to innovate in a more focused way. “NO” sends the message that what we’re doing is so important that all of our innovation and bold ideas need to be focused on desired outcomes.

You’ll get more done.

Your team will be encouraged by your ability to generate success. And you’ll develop a winning blueprint for industry domination. All because you had the courage to be clear and powerful.

“NO” means“NO”. It’s a business lesson you need to embrace if you want massive success this year.

Care enough about your goals to protect them from the dangers of distraction and a divided focus.

Be amazing, one thing at a time.

The post The Difference “No” Makes. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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