klout thumb 300x300 The Mystery Behind Klout

There has not been much said about Klout these days. They don’t seem to be announcing any updates, or do they are perhaps they are keeping it all hush hush as they did years ago. Marketer and Data scientist T Scott Clendaniel had written up the following post on September 17, 2014- Klout Tips from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

In that article, he basically stated what really does drive the score up- such as believe it or not, the amount of Twitter followers you have, retweeting trending tweets, and even listing yourself as a CEO of any company on LinkedIn. However, even Scott is confused about what else is truly influencing the score. In fact he recently stated to me after doing a set of experiments that Klout must be using some kind of “bizarre magic” for the rest of the score, which is obviously something completely undocumented anywhere. Even removing bots doesn’t explain it.

However, even after being somewhat baffled, he has found reasons to believe that some of the factors only kick in at certain events, like follow ratio at Klout greater than 90 or inactivity. Also, when Klout rejiggered the scores last time, they forced the distribution back into a bell shaped curve, which was the first time ever.

Scott also stated that if you go to @HCI_Labs and go to the most recent list, you’ll find 3,000 Twitter accounts, Klout Score greater than 60, great follow ratio, all recently active, all with more than 10,000 followers. However, other than that, it is quite unknown what really influences the Klout score, and this is something that they must be working hard at hiding.

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