Miriam Slozberg

I had written some material already on Steemit. In a nutshell once again, Steemit is a blogging platform that pays you in cryptocurrencies that you can convert to cash when the time is right. Like anything else in life, it takes time to excel at Steemit and it takes a lot of time to earn lots of cash. Making a full time income on this alone is possible if you work day and night. However, since most people have plenty to do, it is not a realistic thing to do. Especially in the short term.

However, like with anything else, if you are consistently sharing good content at least once a day and interacting with others, and upvoting their content, then your profile will become more valuable and you will make more money in the end. I’m getting there.

I started off at a reputation score of 25, as I believe that is the default score when newcomers start out. I have raised it to 42 and ended up with over 200 followers. So far I have made about $20 but I will not cash out at this point. I will keep reinvesting that in order to power up my profile and worth on Steemit.

If you are not on Steemit, then join because it costs you nothing to do that. You will need to wait a day or two to become approved. Once you are, be sure to follow me on https://steemit.com/@miriamslozberg, and I will follow you back.

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