How would you know how to work smarter? You’re told that you should. But how do you do it?

How do you know that what you’re told will work will work for you?

The topic of work and effort and energy is one that has been debated for decades.

Books have been written about working smarter. Speakers tour the country telling you how to work smarter.

There are seminars, workshops, online forums, and countless resources focused on you getting more done each day.

There’s just one huge problem.

Nothing works until you work. You can’t work smarter until you’ve already worked hard enough. How hard? Enough to know what to improve.

That’s the harsh reality about applying all the tips-and-tricks you read in a book or learn at a seminar.

That person you’re learning from developed and refined those lessons through raw effort and a deep emotional investment.

That person tried and failed and failed and failed again. They didn’t just sit down with an idea and automatically end up working smarter.

They had to figure it out.

They watched what other people were doing and tried to make it work for them.

And when it didn’t work, they put in the time and effort required to make it work. Even if that meant redoing everything.

That’s the person you’re reading about. That’s the person you’re learning from.

They had to figure it out for themselves. It took massive amounts of hard work for them.

Why should it be any different for you? Why shouldn’t you have to experience the agony of failure and doubt like they did?

The secret to working smarter is to work so hard you have to work smart to keep winning.

It’s the result of hard work. Not a replacement for it.

The post There’s Just One Huge Problem. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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