Bill Lochten, National Vice President of Software AG Government Solutions

Bill Lochten, National Vice President of Software AG Government Solutions

Time is our biggest commodity and yet when it comes to dealing with sluggish applications at work — we are willing to accept delays. Employees often feel resigned to the idea that accessing their data takes time. But it doesn’t have to. The key to speeding up your organization’s in-house applications is to unlock the cache memory already in your systems.

Essentially two things make people wait: the time for processing data and the time to access and retrieve data used in processing. By leveraging in-memory computing, we are nearly eliminating that second step enabling companies and government agencies to quickly transform how they meet their data challenges, and in many instances, reduce costs in the process.

Here’s how it works.

Imagine “pulling up” files and backgrounds for all the relevant individuals to a search you’re working on, in milliseconds rather than minutes. Or, being able to process organizational changes through the appropriate channels before it appears online.

This enhanced application speed is already a reality for many organizations leveraging in-memory computing and best of all implementation of the technology often leads to less hardware and software costs.

According to Bill Lochten, National Vice President of Software AG Government Solutions, before Software AG’s Terracotta product was available, many software architects wouldn’t even THINK about putting significant amounts of data in-memory. But now, in-memory data management is used extensively across several industries and in government— enabling organizations to extract real value from their applications and infrastructure investments.

So, what does this mean for HR professionals? Happier employees within their organization for one, because employees will be able to do their jobs with complete visibility to the data that they need to confidently make real-time business decisions.

In-memory technology revolutionizes the way organizations compile and present their business data,” said Lochten. “With this improved visibility, businesses can shift from after-event analysis to real-time decision-making—and make their business models predictive rather than response-based. When combined with easy-to-use analytic solutions, employees can create their own views of the data that’s critical for them to be successful at their jobs.”

We want faster access to our data – but we also want to understand more quickly what the information means so we know what to do with it. The elements of in-memory computing are not new, but they have now been developed to a point where common adoption is possible.

For more info, visit: Software AG Government Solutions (

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