Success demands that you do things that are hard.

Not just difficult to achieve with incredible amounts of effort, but uncomfortable and frustrating every step of the way.

Doing the hard things isn’t really about choosing goals that are massively difficult and then adopting a radical lifestyle that will propel you mightily toward your goal.

That’s awesome if you choose it for your path. Impressive, indeed. But for most people, you don’t need to veer so far away from what is obvious.

Most of the time you already know what to do.

You don’t just know what to do, you know most of the steps to get you there.

Isn’t that incredible? Chances are, you already know what it is that you want to do and how you could achieve that goal.

The only thing missing in your life is the will to get started and the stubbornness to stay with it when things start to feel icky.

Persistence is the ultimate hardship.

It doesn’t come naturally, and it’s not always humanly possible.

When you are beaten down so far you’re not even sure you can see your way up, it is impossible to imagine that you can continue.

When you give all you can give. When there’s nothing more within you to invest. When you’ve reached the end of your capacity to keep moving towards where you know you deserve to be.

In those moments, you appreciate what hard really is.

It’s the decision to tune out the critic inside you that reminds you of all your past failures. It’s the decision to try one more time.

Even though everything else has ended in failure.

It’s the decision to put your head down and do one more thing on one more day even though you’re exhausted and humiliated and fearful and not sure you’re going to make it.

That’s hard. Physically, financially, and mentally.

Every internal alarm bell is warning you that you’re making the wrong decision.

If it were easy to be successful, you would’ve already been there by now. It’s hard. Unimaginably so.

When we talk about doing hard things, it’s not about choosing bigger goals. It’s about forcing yourself to break past the emotionally crippling barriers that any logical person would assume to be just a perfectly horrible decision.

The post What Doing Hard Things Really Means. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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