There are those who tell you that they are legit because they walk the walk.

They don’t just talk the talk, they do what they promise. They practice what they preach.

Make no mistake, doing is always better than talking.

It’s just not enough.

There’s not enough time for you to walk the walk.

You’ll run out of money and creativity, friends, opportunity, and experience along the way.

If you’re going to make it, you have to run the walk.

Knees high. Elbows bent. Sweat dripping from the edges of your eyebrows. You have to run.

Not walk. Not shuffle. Run.

Your dream demands urgency.

Your opportunity might not be there tomorrow.

You might be headed in the right direction but get there long after your chance for greatness.

It bears remembering and reminding your self each day that what you do matters.

You are either using the moments you have to propel yourself mightily towards where you want to be or you are just wasting your time.

It’s that simple.

That should stir within you the resolve and urgency you need to move a little bit faster.

You don’t have time to walk the walk. Start running it.

The post You Don’t Have Time To Walk The Walk. appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

Copyright by Waldschmidt Partners Intl… Not sure that all that legal stuff really matters. If you want to share this material, do so. Just don’t charge for it and don’t tell people you wrote it. Both of those are uncool.

Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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