Change doesn’t happen until you ask hard, uncomfortable questions of yourself.

Success doesn’t happen until you drive past the excuses holding you back and dig in to the underlying issues that drive your behavior.

You’re still stuck because you’re not being tough enough on yourself.

That’s the tough truth.

You’re losing because you won’t have a conversation with yourself about what really matters.

About your weaknesses. About your vices. About the excuses you make. And the accountability you shrug off.

You can’t get better until you get serious about the true condition of your soul. You can’t improve until you embrace yourself for who you really are — warts and all.

You’re only hiding from yourself anyways.

Most of the time other people already know what you refuse to admit about yourself.

They can see when you’re lazy. They can see when you act selfishly. They watch as you refuse to except responsibility for your actions.

They already know who you are.

You’re only playing games with yourself.

And what is silly and sad is that those games are only hurting you. They are holding you back.

Stopping you from achieving your dreams. Trampling your chances at greatness.

It is you who is your worst enemy.

The post Your Worst Enemy.  appeared first on Dan Waldschmidt: Author of EDGY Conversations.

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Other than that, all rights are reserved to you to change your life. If you are ready to be amazing, now is the time to get started. Onward…

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