You Won’t Win By Judging Other People.

You can’t motivate people when you’re judging them. You can’t help people or get them to change if you’re labeling them and putting them in a box. One of the key reasons why businesses struggle to grow is a lack of empathy. Instead of loving...

8 People You Should Be Learning From.

What lessons have you learned recently? What type of new ideas and inspirational thinking are you proactively putting into your head? What you learn determines how quickly you grow. If the only time you learn is when you make a mistake, your path to success will be...

Why You Have To Love What You Do.

To be successful you have to love what you do. That’s not optional. It’s mandatory. If you want to win you have to wake up each day deeply passionate about taking steps closer to where you want to be. Progress is a grind. Daily. You are going to have to do...

Do What You Love.

Do what you love. Follow that path passionately. Don’t be distracted by what other people tell you should be important. Money follows passion. It doesn’t proceed it. Happiness follows passion. You don’t find it by avoiding your passion. Everything...

Being Overwhelmed By Gratitude. 

No matter how bad things are right now for you, they are better than they could be. That alone should fuel your sense of gratitude. And when you think about it further, you realize how very good you have it. No matter how desperate your situation might feel, you still...