Avatar Mark Michniak graduated from Illinois State University in May of 1996 with a degree in Psychology and a Minor in Sociology. Having grown-up in the suburbs of Chicago, Mark moved back to his home town after graduation where he pursued a career in Sales in the Chicago area. His background includes time in Logistics, Pest Control, and the Water Industry. Although his Sales responsibilities have slightly changed over time, Mark has remained true to the core values of Honesty, Hard-work, and Being a Good Listener to help provide the best products and services to his customers.

In November of 1998, Mark started dating his good friend Lisa Spevacek who is an Eye Doctor in Naperville and they were married in September 2001. Lisa has been at the same practice all of that time and enjoys being able to help people with the health of their eyes. In January of 2005, their first daughter Grace was born and in September of 2010, their second daughter Eva was born. Together, the four make an interesting team as they balance work and family life which includes school, Religious Education, time with family and friends, and the girls favorite activity: CYT (or Christian Youth Theater), to which both are actively involved in classes and performances.

Once a year, as a family, the Michniaks take the time to go on at least one family vacation. Over the years, they have traveled to many places including Disneyland, Disney World, a Caribbean cruise, San Diego, CA, and Galveston, TX, to name a few. They believe that the world is a big place with lots of history and cultures to learn. In the future, they hope to travel internationally to enjoy all that this world has to offer.

Linked Local Network - Mark Michniak- Goodbye

Saying Good-Bye (to a Baseball Coach?)

Saying Good-Bye (to a Baseball Coach?) by Mark Michniak In Chicago there is an internal baseball rivalry between the Northside Cubs and the Southside White Sox. In our house growing-up, my parents, siblings, and I were all loyal Cubs fans. If invited, we would attend...
Linked Local Network - Mark Michniak

Furry Friends for a Longer Life

Furry Friends for a Longer Life Our house has two inhabitants that are non-human and furry: Our 7 year-old Border Collie Lucy and our 2-1/2 year old Guinea Pig Coco. They are warm, cuddly creatures who are spoiled by every human inhabitant of this house and are just...
Linked Local Network - Mark Michniak - Too much cleanliness

Too Much Cleanliness?

Too Much Cleanliness? by Mark Michniak I am a bit of a clean freak. That is a self-described diagnosis, but my wife and daughters would swiftly agree with me. Every weekend, I spend about one and a half to two hours cleaning our house. I grab our container of cleaning...

Nice to have Choices: We are NOT Victims of this World!

I love living in a time and country in which we have choices. Today, my wife and I took our youngest to a World K-9 Frisbee Championships near our house. It was absolutely amazing to watch these handlers and their dogs do these fantastic things with frisbees! The...
Pets are Family Too - Linked Local Network

Pets are Family Too

Pets are Family Too by Mark Michniak Our family consists of myself, my wife, our oldest who is 14, and our youngest who is 8. Our family also is made-up of two fury creatures: a Border Collie named Lucy who is 7 years old and Guinea Pig named Coco. When people say...

No Self-Diagnosis

No Self-Diagnosis by Mark Michniak In a previous blog or two, I had reported that I had started a regular physical fitness routine that involved a cardio-physical workout. I began this workout in December 2018 and was pretty religious about doing this every week, 2-3...

Health Issues: A Profile in Attitude and Courage

Health Issues: A Profile in Attitude and Courage by Mark Michniak The picture above is my Aunt Lil with my Uncle Bill. They are two of the most amazing people I have ever know in my life! Uncle Bill is laying in a hospital bed because he is about to have his leg...
Linked Local Network - learning to drive - Mark Michniak

Driving Young People and Young People Driving

Driving Young People and Young People Driving by Mark Michniak Last month, our daughter reminded us that she will start the process of learning to drive soon. I believe her exact words were "I can't believe in six months I will be getting my drivers permit!". Yes, it...
Linked Local Network - Mark Michniak - Rest

Working Hard at Resting

Working Hard at Resting by Mark Michniak Sometimes it is A LOT of work to rest! As someone who always feels like I have to be doing something, sitting down for a few minutes and doing nothing often feels awkward. Maybe you can relate?! My family and I just got back...

Planning Ahead (Vacation 2019)

My family and I are getting ready to go on a vacation. It is something that has been in the works for over a year. We are going to be making the journey with my wife's mom, brother, sister-in-law, and their two kids. A combined total of 9 of us! I am blessed in that I...

Attitude of Gratitude

As we wrap-up the Fourth of July holiday weekend, I have a confession to make: I have an attitude. Unlike most attitudes, my attitude is an attitude of gratitude! What is an attitude of gratitude? It is a feeling I have when I know my life is good and that I am very...

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated by Mark Michniak It seems like common sense: DRINK WATER, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS HOT OR IF YOU ARE SWEATING! Here in the Chicago area, we get the extreme ends of weather. This past winter, we had one of the coldest days in Chicago history as the wind...
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