Are You Sure?

It’s never as easy as you think it should be. All those beliefs and opinions you have that you hold as unchangeable — those are just a few life circumstances away from being changed. By you. On purpose. What you thought was clearly black and white is now...

Who Has Your Back?

When things get tough and you need extraordinary help, who can you count on to stand by your side? Perhaps a better way to answer that question is to reflect on whose back you have. And what that means in reality. How far would you go to help someone in need? What are...

Your Greatest Challenge.

Your greatest business challenge isn’t that your dream prospects do business with your competitors instead of you. It’s that they don’t care about what you’re doing in the first place. Your greatest personal challenge isn’t that you...

How Much Better Should Your Life Be?

It’s hard to have tough conversations. That’s why we call them “tough”. The kind where you crinkle your eyes and tip your head to the side. The kind where you can’t even look the other person in the eye. Those are the tough times where...

The Days We Cry.

I was sitting on the grass in my backyard watching my mother water the garden. I was a teenager at the time — just returned from spending most of the summer in Mexico doing missionary work. I was part of a team who passed out rice and beans and Bibles to poor...