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As the chairperson for the 2016 Women in Aviation Chicago’s Leading Edge Chapter The Sky’s the Limit Aviation Career Exploration Day, I am pleased to announce that this camp will take place at Lewis University on Saturday, September 24 from 8:30AM until 2:00PM.

If there’s a girl in your life in middle or high school, we have a fun-filled, action-packed day planned to introduce her to aviation – or expand her growing interest. The girls will be in the presence of amazing role models ranging from airline pilots to aircraft mechanics to aviation industry executives. They’ll learn how to read a sectional chart, preflight a Cessna 172, learn the phonetic alphabet, fly a flight simulator, and lots more hands-on activities. A group lunch, with current Lewis University aviation students joining each table, will feature a dynamic speaker.

Help encourage the next generation of women in aviation by participating in Women in Aviation Sky’s the Limit Aviation Career Camp at Lewis University. The day’s activities, including lunch, are available at no charge. A parent or chaperone is encouraged to attend. Space is limited, so register today!

Sky’s the Limit: Interactive Aviation Camp
Date:                 Saturday, September 24, 2016
Time:                8:30AM-2:00PM
Location:          Lewis University, Romeoville Harold E. White Aviation Center
RSVP:               Free Event, Please Respond Event Brite

Lunch will be provided by Lewis University at no cost to participants.

For more information, visit our facebook page or website

Women in Aviation, International is dedicated to the advancement and encouragement of women in the field of aviation.  Chicago’s Leading Edge hosts this educational outreach event in hopes of inspiring young high school females to develop an interest in aviation.  This event is sponsored and supported by Lewis University.  There is no cost to participants!

Questions? Please let me know.


Rose Ellen May
Chairperson Sky’s the Limit 2016 Aviation Career Camp
Mobile: (815) 375-1772
Flyer 2016


  • Rose Ellen May

    I am the Community Development Specialist at the Microsoft retail store at Woodfield Mall. My diverse career path has allowed me to gain extensive experience in communications, community relations, marketing, and project management leading to consistent achievement of objectives, strong analytical skills and dedication to organizational goals. I enjoy planning events and showing people how technology can benefit them personally, but my passion is aviation. I am a private pilot who owns a single engine airplane. I am restoring a 1957 North American T-28C aircraft with Warbirds of North America – love the sound of a radial engine! - and I volunteer with my local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association – who serves the best pancakes in town on the first Sunday of June at the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport -- and, this year I am helping with the Chicago Leading Edge Chapter of Women in Aviation’s Sky’s the Limit interactive aviation camp for girls in middle through high school this May.

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