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Creating Health should be your priority everyday 

There is a reason Healthy is first in the saying, Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. Without health your capacity to create wealth and attain wisdom is greatly diminished.
In the fast paced society that we live in health for the most part has been put on the back burner. We see non stop commercials and social media influencers telling us what and how we should be eating, but almost all of them are not sustainable. So in steps big pharma to the rescue with their weight loss injections as a magical fix all. Look I am not bashing any of these methods if they resonate with you and they offer you solutions great. My concern is that none of these work on root causes of why the health issues are there in the first place.
13 cancers are now directly linked to obesity. Auto immune diseases are on a rapid high from high stress and poor gut health.  All of these leave us in a health bankrupt society where parents are outliving their children! It is time that we take our health seriously and reclaim our lives.
To achieve this we must create daily habits to replace all the bad ones we have been hoarding as coping mechanisms. Yeah, yeah ,yeah you know but that is not easy. You are 100% correct, it is not easy but it is simple, and totally worth it to get your energy back, to get your libido back, to get rid of the brain fog and feel happier. Our health really does encompass all aspects of our life.
So how do you take back your health? How do you break out of all of the bad habits? How do I create wealth? When does the wisdom kick in?
Stay tuned and listen in to Creating Health and I will be sharing with you the small steps that lead to big change. Every week I will be talking with experts across many fields to help provide steps that are necessary for you to create health and wealth… wisdom comes from the process.
Let’s not reduce health to food and exercise. True health is physical, mental, emotional and financial.  Get ready to embrace all that life is eagerly waiting to give to you.

Creating Health will be on Friday mornings starting at 9am at 

Learn more at
Until then Carpe Diem!



  • Frances Esters

    Hi my name is Frances Esters I currently reside in the small town of Templeton, CA a wonderful change from where I grew up in San Jose, CA the heart of Silicon Valley. Moving away from the busy city environment made me realize how important it is to really embrace self care. More often than not we only take a deep breath to deal with a stressful moment, not to be cognizant of our surroundings and our body. Stress takes a horrible toll on every part of our body and life. Although stress and all that is caused by it is becoming more and more of a conversation, simple practical ways to take care of ourselves is not. My hope is that by sharing lessons that I have learned through working in the beauty, health and wellness industry, the school of hard knocks and by wonderful people who have come into my life that you realize that’s even though work life balance looks completely different for each of us, we are all striving to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Thank you for joining me and this wonderful community on this adventure we call life.

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