Your Facts Are Just A Bad Perspective.

Your reality isn’t a fact. It is just your perspective. What you consider to be ordinary and normal, other people are guaranteed to see as obscure and special. Your perspective is shaped over the years of your life. Your specific circumstances and upbringing...

The Story Of Your Success.

You wouldn’t laugh at an apple seed that you just planted in the ground, calling it a loser because it’s not delivering bushels of ripe apples each season. You just planted it. It’s still a seed. In time, with enough water and sunlight, fertilizer...

5 Choices Successful People Always Make.

It’s all on you. Your results. Your recognition. Your chance at greatness. You decide how far you’re willing to take your dream. You make the decision whether to press ahead, in spite of the obstacles holding you back, or to change course and move on to...

It’s You That Is The Problem.

Most business problems have nothing to do with business. Most leadership problems have a little to do with leadership. Most of these challenges stem from personal flaws. In other words, the greatest benefit you can give to your business is to grow yourself. To round...