I get asked all too often how I get so much done in a day. You probably do too.

Ironically, I get asked if I do all my own writing (like this post) and if I do all my own social media nonsense. The answer is “YES”… For better or worse ‘EDGY’ is all homegrown.

But it’s not all about brute force.  We’re quick to adopt smart tools that help us squeeze more game-changing results from each minute of the day.

My dirty little secret is that I use a series of mobile (and web) tools that keep me focused, efficient, and unexpectedly memorable.

Here are a few of those:

Contactually — It’s easily the smartest CRM (or address book) on the planet. I manage 37,000+ contacts using their platform. BTW, it has the functionality of Boomerang, RightInbox, and Streak built right in.

Boomerang or RightInbox — Both are awesome — and remind me of what emails I have sent that have not been replied to yet

Google Voice — So I can send text messages through my browse and manage calls

Buffer — For sharing good things I find on the web (I pay for this…like $10)

Spotflux and Zenmate – Quickly scrambles my IP address, encrypts my internet, and protects my computer when using public WiFi

Mention — Allows me to be polite and say “Thank You” to people who mention me on the interwebs

Uberconference and Speek and Hangouts  – Great for meetings and calls and business conversations

Check — Fastest way to manage all my bills and accounts and travel plans

Xero — Way better than Quickbooks and a heck of a lot easier to use

StatusCake — Cools mobile apps and web platform tells me if any of our websites is down or slow

Streak – Turns Gmail into a light CRM for tackling community engagement

Let’s talk ‘to do’ lists.

When it comes to task tracking, I keep changing my mind as apps evolve. I like Any.do but the desktop integration just doesn’t support getting things done efficiently. Wunderlist is reliable and available everywhere, but can be inflexible when you create a lot of recurring events. Flow is sweet and silky smooth — but mainly focused on the Apple crowd. Asana and Producteev and Remember The Milk and Toodledo are all functional for getting things done  – but are slightly annoying in their own particular ways.

My favorite right now is Todoist.

OK. That’s a sneak peak  behind the curtain.  Enjoy.  I’ll go back to writing more ‘edgyness’  tomorrow.

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