Miriam Slozberg

Did you know that Instagram has over 500 hundred million active users with over 300 million active users on a daily basis? The stats on Instagram could be described as highly impressive and encouraging. Just so you know that 80% of those users are outside the USA, 4.2 billion likes every day and over 95 million photos and videos uploaded on a daily basis. This can be a goldmine for businesses.

The problem is, most business owners do not know how to utilize Instagram and end up wasting their time on it instead. Here are a few tips to make the most of Instagram for business!

1. Share Quality Photos– Since Instagram is about photos or graphics, the quality of your photos are what count. Make sure they are perfect before sharing them. Having quality photos on Instagram help you get more likes, comments and more followers which will help push you up the ladder and on top of all your competitors within the same niche. If you are taking the pictures with a camera, make sure the lighting and focus are right to get you the right photos you need to go viral on Instagram.

2. Always Signup with Facebook– This is the most easiest and quickest way to set up your Instagram account. It will automatically allow you to follow your friends that are already on Instagram and in turn they will follow you too. Your friends and family will be the first followers on Instagram which will help boost your profile and get you ready for the main deal

3. Be Engaging– Always like other photos on Instagram, because the odds are they will like yours back and even follow you! Keep doing this everyday for at least a half hour. That in itself will help grow your presence.

4. Follow Others– This is actually the quickest ways of growing your followers on Instagram. When you follow others, they decide to follow you back and create a connection between you both. This helps increase your followers and likes on photos you have on your profile. If they never follow you back, you can always unfollow them later as apps can tell you who is following you or who has unfollowed you. Unfollowers on Instagram is an example and do a search for it in the App Store.

5. Comment on other Photos– This method takes more time and work but it surely pays off. When you comment on other people’s photos, you increase the chance of them following you and liking your photos too. Just take some time out of your social media marketing timetable and comment on other people photos to increase your followers.

6. Always Use Relevant Hashtags– Making use of relevant hashtags help get you more visibility and popular on Instagram. The more hashtags you use, the more popular your photos will become. This means more likes, more followers and more comments which all help boost your profile. You are allowed to use a maximum of 30 hashtags, however don’t use them in the text you want to share. Always use it this way-

text of image goes here.
#hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3 and so on.

It won’t be visible to your followers as soon as they see your pictures, but it will still be just as searchable.

To your success with Instagram!

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