On today’s episode of Getting Social with Miriam, I interviewed psychotherapist, Dr. Nicola Bird and we discussed her healing technique called Self-Imaging TherapyTM. Self-Imaging TherapyTM (SIT) is a fresh and exciting new approach to psychotherapy that Nicola pioneered to help people overcome whatever they’re struggling with: anxiety, fear, trauma, depression, emotional eating, etc. SIT is a transformative inner process— very much like an active, therapeutic meditation. It achieves maximum results quickly and deeply, because it changes people from the inside out and gives them the tools to heal. It goes deep to the root of the problem and people experience fast and long lasting change in every session.
SIT works because self-images are a powerful tool for creating self-awareness, healing, and change. The mind doesn’t know the difference between a real experience and an imagined one. If you vividly imagine yourself eating a juicy fruit (e.g. mango or peach), you will salivate in the same way as you would if you were actually eating it. In the same way, the mind will register and encode the transformations that they experience through the SIT process as “real”. People heal and gain strength, confidence, calm, and personal power.
Dr. Nicola Bird is a new generation psychotherapist who successfully pioneered Self-Imaging TherapyTM (SIT), her ground-breaking approach to personal transformation and brain retraining. During her twenty years of practice, Nicola has introduced innovative techniques to help people change and empower their lives. Her one-of-a-kind method
gives people the tools to free themselves from negative tapes, limitations, and fears.
And the great news: she can work with you wherever you are via Skype or online video. Nicola received her doctorate from the University of Toronto. She has been featured in the Toronto Star, The Vancouver Sun, and Essence Magazine, and has appeared on Lifetime Network and City TV. She is the host of Out on the Limb with Dr. Nicola Bird and is the author of The Boomerang Effect: How You Can Take Charge of Your Life.
Dr. Bird’s offers two comprehensive “Total Life Transformation” packages so that everyone can access to her approach. You can liberate yourself from struggle, change unhealthy mindsets, and take control of your life with this powerful program. You get long lasting results quickly!
Connect with Dr. Nicola Bird on her website http://nicolabird.com/
Connect with her on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Nicola-Bird
Connect with her on Twitter @drnicolabird
Check out her program http://www.total-life-transformation.com