EmpowerNetworkpic 300x200 An Overview of Vocal Alchemy with Victoria Christine

On today’s episode of Getting Social with Miriam, I interviewed Victoria Christine. Victoria is an Empowered Living Mentor and Vocal Alchemist. She assists her clients to implement strategies to optimize their well being. She empowers people to change anything not working in their lives through vocal alchemy. We discussed vocal alchemy further, and how she is able to use her voice to shift energies. In fact she even gave us an example during the podcast on how she was able to do it. I have to say it was quite fascinating, and more people need to know that this is another method for energy healing.

Victoria Christine is a life long student of spirituality, and health and well being. Victoria has 18 years of previous experience working as a registered nurse in a multitude of health care settings, including psychiatric care. Victoria’s background includes extensive education in music, psychology, and child and family studies, culminating in a baccalaureate degree.

Listen to the podcast here.

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Connect with Victoria Christine- http://livingbrilliancenow.com
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Be sure to sign up for her 4 Free mp3 Soul Song Attunements when you visit her website! It’s a great gift.

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