whew[1]It was 2009 when I began blogging. It was technical confusion then … and it still is. Below I’ve reprinted what happened back then

But first …

Now that AT&T can host WordPress, I decided there was no longer any need to pay two hosts and wanted to move my blog www.lilliancommunicates.com onto my home web page, www.duoforce.com. So I checked with GoDaddy and was told several times that the site could be moved with all my hundreds of blogs intact. On to AT&T, who is my ISP. Was told “no.” Back to GoDaddy and heard “yes.”

Had my webmaster call since I figured she had more techie knowledge. She got the same song and dance.

So??? I now pay only one hosting fee; however, my hundreds of posts went bye-bye.

Good thing I saved them in Word (no problems there yet) and can re-share all that great face-to-face networking and communication skill knowledge again.

Stay tuned. I’m back in business!

(Dec. 17, 2009) Starting a Blog Can Be a MAMMOTH Task!

I was sure it wasn’t true. Download in five minutes, and you will be on your way. It even hinted that a non-techie like me was supposed to get started blogging by herself.


It took me longer than five minutes, five hours, five days … not quite five weeks to be able to do what I like … write and share my opinions.

It all began before it was even snowing in Chicago. Heck, it was still suit coat weather. My web master suggested I check with my ISP just to make sure my server would accommodate WordPress. I thought, “What a simple task and one that would verify we were ready for that five-minute download so I could be on my way.”

What ensued was not what I expected. After several conversations with AT&T, one technical person said, “No, you have to switch to a UNIX-based server. We don’t support mysql on our other servers. (Quickly found out I couldn’t do that because my shopping cart is designed in asp.)

However, when I called back, I got a technical person who said I could do my five-minute download if I switched from a basic to an enhanced package. Done.

I checked back once more to make sure all was well. Guess what? I now got a technical person who again said no dice. You need to switch to a UNIX-based server. Your enhanced version supports Mssql, but not Mysql. (I even called mysql and talked to a delightful customer service rep … all to no avail though.)

Finally got a new website from GoDaddy because, guess what, they support mysql!

Oh, and when my AT&T bill came, I was charged for the enhanced version even though I had it less that a week! (They did remove it from my bill, which delights this former AT&T employee.)

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