Battling Fear of Failure to Find Franchising Success

Broadcast Date: November 4th , 2021

Broadcast Time : 5:00p EST / 4:00p CST / 3:00p MST /2:00p PST

On this episode, it’s Pillars of Men! The women are off on a Mindset Reset retreat while Ray Pillar, David Kagjanich  and Jerry Akers hold down the fort to talk about fear. Three of our Million Dollar Mentors discuss the fear that often comes with business ownership and how they overcame it in their own careers. This episode is filled with personal stories that have given the mentors insight and skills that can help you when making a decision to take the plunge to franchise ownership. Call us with questions and let us know if you need guidance in your process!

Join host Ray Pillar, Owner of Molly Maid Aurora-Naperville and co-host Kristin Selmeczy, Chief Business Warrior of Pillars of Franchising as they discuss how to be successful at finding a franchise, identifying funding solutions, the purchasing process, developing marketing strategies and expanding and selling your franchise.

On the Million Dollar Mentor Segment this week Kristin Selmeczy will give another million dollar mentor tip that has driven success.

Listen live to new episodes on Thursdays at 4p central. Call in on Thursdays at 323-580-5755.

Interested in buying a franchise? Join the Million Dollar Franchisee Mentor program

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