Believe strongly. Believe passionately.

Don’t expect everyone else to believe what you do or how you do. But believe something.

Most people go an entire lifetime without really knowing what they believe. Never really believing in the things that they say they believe.

Beliefs about honesty. Beliefs about opportunity. Beliefs about cause and effect.

You might think you believe something right now, but the true test of your belief is what you do when you get tested.

What you do when what you think is normal and expected changes radically.

Then it’s clear to see what is really a belief versus a convenient perspective.

It’s not always convenient to believe.

Isn’t it interesting how your beliefs change when your feelings get hurt?

You thought that person was nice, but then you found out that they didn’t like you and your belief changed.

You thought this new job was going to be the one that made you feel satisfied and valued. But then when you got downsized, your belief in yourself turned into nothing.

That belief you once had that anything was possible seems to have vanished. Along with your courage and commitment.

Own your beliefs. Don’t apologize for what you believe. Don’t back down from what you believe.

Most importantly, don’t assume a convenient perspective is really something you believe.

The post Belief Or Convenient Perspective? appeared first on Keynote Speaker, Business Strategist & Ultrarunner | Dan Waldschmidt.

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