Are you top-of-mind in your contacts’ minds?
If you didn’t answer “yes” quickly or responded with a “maybe,” then it’s time to make this one of your priorities. Warm referrals are a coveted form of getting business and a job, and one of the most likely ways to make this happen for you is to be the first name that comes to mind when someone is looking for a product or service you offer.
Tactics that help:
• Design a website that focuses on your key product or service.
• Use online media (LinkedIn, Facebook) to zero in on your key talents/services
• Post to LinkedIn groups in your area of expertise.
• Attend your industry trade shows. People on “booth duty” have a lot of time to talk. Review the program ahead of time and try to talk with presenters/keynoters, etc.
• Join a horizontal professional organization (within your industry).
• Join a vertical professional organization (people who have the same kind of job).
• Become involved in the groups you join. Committee work shortens the time it takes to build relationships.
• Seek speaking opportunities (paid or no fee) for groups whose membership is made up of companies for which you want to work.
• Reconnect with people you used to work with, this time for the purpose of building solid relationships.