It’s a compliment to be interviewed by the media for a positive article like “the 50+ working woman: Traversing the demo” in the Nov. 8, 2013 Chicago Tribune.

It is also an honor to be included with the likes of Amanda Augustine, a job search expert with the Ladders, Bernadette Patton, president and CEO of Human Resources Management Association of Chicago (HRMAC) and Jean Setzfand, vice president of financial security for AARP.

One of my main messages is that “self-confidence is the most beneficial asset at any age and especially as women get older.” I also added that women of all ages need to work harder at creating a better good-ole-girl network. You can read much more at this link. If that one doesn’t work anymore, try this link.

MC900363288[1]I am also delighted to let you know that I share much more advice for women in the workplace through my “Practical, Pertinent Advice for Women Who Want to Advance” workshop. It’s designed for women who want an edge to climb the ladder or start their own business. The workshop is available to associations, organizations or companies that want to provide career advice to participants.

Contact me at for more information.


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