Being a published author is a great accomplishment. Having something between the covers adds visibility and credibility for you, your business and career. Being part of an anthology is far easier than publishing your own book and a good way to add additional books to your personal published list.

That’s why I’m delighted to share that a trusted member of my network has just such an opportunity for you. Christie Ruffino, founder and president of Dynamic Professional Women’s Network, Inc., still has openings in the second anthology in the Overcoming Mediocrity series. It’s a collection of stories from courageous women who have created their own lives of significance.

OMI am privileged to have been one of 21 women who comprised the first book in the series, which was released May 2013. It achieved best-selling status on in the motivational genre category in only one day!

Christie’s initial goal was ‘to build a strong brand that provides the authors more exposure for their businesses and greater blessings as they share their stories with a bigger audience. It is, however, making a bigger impact than anticipated as I hear testimonials from women who have read the book and have connected with one or more of the inspirational stories,” Christie said.

So don’t hesitate! Christie is planning an early 2014 release.

Visit for all the details. Or contact me at if you want more insight from one of the authors.

Working with Christie and DPWN on Overcoming Mediocrity was such an easy way to become a published author again. An extra bonus is the great PR the book is getting. Being interviewed on Chicago’s WGN radio was one of my personal bonuses.

Networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships, and this is truly a great opportunity.


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