Welcome back! This week I will continue to discuss how to create your 2014 relationship-building plan. It’s only Jan. 3. You still have time!

More tips:MC900197859[1]

    • Determine your target markets. Spend time on the demographics. Who, what, when, why, where, how do they buy?

    • Answer the question, “Where are you most likely to find your target market?” In Breakthrough Networking: Building Relationships That Last, I list 13 organizations, groups and events your target markets are likely to frequent. Zero in on the few that are relevant to you. You don’t have time to try a dozen different groups, much less pay dues and activity fees.

    • Define where to find the organizations/events that are frequented by those who can introduce you to your target market. Be creative. Check the web for local chapters of national organizations. Peruse print and online calendars of events. Make a list of whom you already know by such categories as business; educational. professional /civic/industrial organizations, etc.

    • Finish the plan. A half-finished plan will give you half-baked results.

As mom used to say (not sure whom she was quoting): “Once a job is half begun, never leave it till it’s done. Be it large or be it small, do it well or not at all.”

Contact me at lillianspeaks@duoforce.com if you want help with this all important networking tool or if your organization wants to schedule me to present in 2014.


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