Ripples in Water ca. 2000

I’ve always loved the “ripple effect.” It’s what I call using publicity to create more publicity. It’s analogous to the waves a stone keeps creating as you “skip” it in water.

Networking is a prime marketing tool and, as such, should be creating publicity for you and your business. This week I want to share Marie Lazzara’s blog in LinkedIn Local Network where she talks about my contribution to the newly released book, Overcoming Mediocrity. I love that she promotes networking in her title: “Prolific Networker and LLN Member Inspires Readers with her Story.”

In between writing proposals and answering phone calls and emails, I have been creating the ripple effect by posting about it as a LinkedIn status update and to several LinkedIn groups (with more planned), commenting on Marie’s post about it, adding it to my websites, sharing it with the book publisher and the woman who set up the WGN radio update and with VIPs in my network.

And it’s already led to another interview with Rose Marie Mikolajczak, who has asked me to share tips for 50-plus working women for the Chicago Tribune’s November Primetime. Can’t wait to get started on that!

Another of my networking silver rules is that you always say, “Thank you.” And although I have already done it privately – Marie, I publicly thank you for wanting to share my story and for the referral to Rose Marie. You gave me the stone to skip!


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