Very few people leave the office without a printed business card. On the other hand, millions have not perfected their Verbal Business Card (VBC), which is even more important.

On March 6, 2014 you have the opportunity to learn the hows and why of creating your VBC from Lillian Bjorseth, who created the process, by simply clicking here at 2 pm CST. The link is also viable after the show is over.

Lillian was one of the first guests on Deanne DeMarco’s Inspiring Women radio show when it began about a year ago. Listenership is now about 110,000 worldwide. This interview how is being replayed to ensure that many more people know how to brand themselves through their VBC.

Contact Lillian at if you would like to have her personally coach you through the creation of your VBC. The process is also detailed in her popular book, Breakthrough Networking: Building Relationships That Last.


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