I “met” Marianne Sackett McKiernan on Facebook. She is a friend of a Let the Dogs Speakfriend and since we are both Volunteer Puppy Raisers for Canine Companions for Independence, we are also unofficially family.

Marianne is a producer, write, animal communicator and volunteer. She has a Master’s Degree in Secondary English and Library Science. Her writing style is informative and humorous. Marianne’s book “Let the Dogs Speak” features the journey of four service puppies in training. The books is cleverly written from their perspective. “Let the Dogs Speak” is an ideal gift for all dog lovers. Marianne’s posts on Facebook are fun to read and she frequently promotes others. This lady is someone I look up to and aspire to be like.

Marianne McKiernan is a three-time Emmy award winning producer. She has been involved with Canine Companions for Independence since October of 2001. Along with her husband, John, she has raised nine Canine Companion pups, and counting. She lives in Colorado where she works at KMGH-TV, the ABC affiliate. Marianne is also a professional animal communicator with her own business, Telling Tails Animal Communication (www.telling-tails.com).

In 2013 Marianne won the Canine Companions for Independence Geneva Davis Volunteer Leadership Award. The purpose of this award from the Southwest region of CCI is to recognize leadership in individuals who have been ambassadors of Canine Companions for Independence’s program and its goals to promote and inspire volunteers and volunteer activity.

When I wrote to Marianne and asked her if she would participate in my charity quilt (Fall in Love with Books ~ see Thank You Reward Tab) by autographing a piece of fabric, she not only said yes but asked if I needed additional autographs. She told me her friend Jessica Swaim is also an author and volunteered to help collect her autograph. I will write a separate blog about Jessica and her books.

Marianne loves both dogs and cats. She supports Canine Companions for Independence and Almost Home Adoptions for Rescued Cats. Here are the links:



“Let the Dogs Speak” is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and independent book sellers. Amazon has a “look inside” feature that lets readers see several pages. I zipped through the pages and was very disappointed that there were not more – what a great sales tool. Everyone will want to buy this book for themselves and for a gift.

Please view the Thank You Reward Tab for more information about “Fall in Love With Books” charity quilt project.

Happy Reading,
All the Best,


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