image1401487812 Four Powerful Platforms that will Help Supercharge your Online Influence and Traffic

You are aware of how crucial it is to share relevant and good quality content consistently on your social media networks. That is if you want to grow your influence, build your tribe which will translate to more clients and customers in the end! Not to mention it will give you a stellar online reputation which is extremely important. However, the fact of the matter is if you are starting out with very few connections, it will take quite a bit of time to achieve all of that. The good news is that there are several platforms you can take advantage of that will help you supercharge all of that fairly fast. And even if you have large connections and you are already influential online in your niche (you need to stay consistent in order to at the very least maintain that), it is recommended even then to use these on a regular basis.

1. Viral Content Buzz– You will absolutely love Viral Content Buzz because this platform will certainly help you gain a lot of new traffic for your blog, and help you build influence online, and create new connections. It is a credit based platform where you need to share other people’s content in order to to gain enough credits to promote your own content that you would want tweeted out, liked, etc. You can always buy credits to bypass earning credits. However, I think it is important that you take the time to earn credits because other members will see that you had shared your content and that alone will trigger them to share yours, or to connect with you at the very least! Not to mention, you will be saving your money this way.

2. Triberr – I have to say that Triberr is a good tool to utilize in order to increase your presence. Triberr is a platform that aggregates the RSS feeds from all members of a “tribe” that members of Triberr create, and then allows you to automatically or manually post them into your Twitter stream. This way, your members in your “tribe” support one another other by retweeting each other’s content. Many new connections will be formed through this platform and your online presence will certainly grow.

3. Just Retweet – I will be honest and will say that Just Retweet is my current platform of choice. It is another tool that will require you to earn or buy credits in order for you to promote your content. However you can build your credits up very fast with this platform by sharing one members content on Twitter, liking on Facebook, +1ing on Google Plus. I love this feature about this platform. You have a choice on how many credits you use to promote your content, and you have an option as well as how many times you want it shared based on the amount of credits you can use, and on what networks as well. If you only want your content retweeted, then you have that option. If you want your content shared on all of the networks (which I highly recommend), you have a choice for that too. I have found that a lot of the content is excellent (as they have a very strict no spam policy) and have grown my tribe a lot in a short time with this platform alone.

4. Empire Avenue – I have been a member of Empire Avenue (or EA) for a long time. EA a platform where you can buy and sell virtual stock which is based in a currency called Eaves. You are considered to be a “good buy” if your social media activity and influence is high. You are also a better buy if you are actively buying stock from other members as well. EA has some great communities and a great way to get the exposure you want network is through conducting missions.

Missions allow you to receive traffic or engagement on any social media platform of your choice, or you can even conduct missions for people to give you some website traffic and to join your list. The sky is the limit with that. However in order to conduct missions, especially good quality missions that other EA members will take- you need enough Eaves in your account. You earn Eaves by having other EA members constantly invest in you because your social media activities are strong. An easier and quicker way to collect Eaves is by completing the other members’ missions. If you are consistent with doing those two simple things, you will end up with enough Eaves to conduct any type of mission of your choice. If you refer friends to Empire Avenue, you will end up with more Eaves that way as well. The free membership allows you to conduct no more than 5 missions at a time. If you upgrade you can run more missions, and you can also buy Eaves.

You can also join plenty of tribe building communities that you will be able to find on Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn, as well as networks for bloggers. Just do a search for “blogging or networking communities” on Google, Facebook or LinkedIn. There are plenty of opportunities that you can take to help supercharge your online presence and to spread your influence- which will increase your Klout score and benefit you in other ways. It is very important that you make time to utilize these platforms I had just listed or at least one of those platform on a regular basis in order to achieve that.

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