miriam slozberg instagram

Instagram is an image sharing app that you can access from your mobile device or iPad, and this network is growing on a daily basis. Many people are visual by nature, and this is one reason the platform is extremely successful. In fact, I have connected with some great people from Instagram alone, and this platform has helped businesses gain more customers and clients. However, like any tool out there- if not used properly, it won’t help. There are four ways that anyone who wants to create a high quality Instagram profile must use all the time.

1. Be Creative with your Posts. Don’t post the same pictures over and over again. Definitely don’t keep posting images of your meals all the time. Posting your steak dinner or chocolate cake dessert once in a while is fine, however mix it up. Post pic quotes, and you can even create your own quotes and watermark it with your Instagram username. An easy way to create something fun is to go to a royalty free image site such as http://pixabay.com and find a great image. Upload it to your device and create a powerful quote (anyone can do this), and download an app called http://www.phon.to/ where you can upload the image into its filers and type on them. The font variety is good as well. I’ve been doing this for my individual accounts as well and it is very attractive. Add some funny posts in there as well, as long as it is not offensive and that it doesn’t infringe on copyright issues.

2. Always Use Popular Hashtags. Being creative with your posts will get you the followers and interaction you want. However, when it comes to hashtags, it is best to use hashtags that other people are using so their posts are also easily found. Be sure to hashtag every picture you post as well and I think using up to 10 is a good number, and use more than 3.

3. Interact with your Followers and Follow New Interesting Accounts. If you have new followers and they are interacting with you, be sure to interact with them as well on a regular basis. Find new accounts whether they could be potential clients or new users you want to network with and follow them, and interact with them. Some will follow back but not all. There are apps you can use to see who follows you on Instagram such as InsTrack for Instagram. It is free and download it, because if those who you follow decide to never follow you back, unfollow them. I also unfollow those who unfollow me. You will also want to make sure you have a good followers to following ratio. That also speaks volumes on the kind of Instgram account you have.

4. Fill Out your Profile. You only have 150 characters to use in order to fill out your profile. Be creative if you can. Use emoticons if you would like. That may spice it up, and be sure to link your website as well. It is recommended to keep your profile public as well so others are more willing to follow you since they can see what you put out.

You can be incredibly successful with Instagram, and if you have an exceptionally good account- you may even be hired as an influencer by some companies. Like with anything else in life, creating a high quality Instagram account will take time, work and consistency. This is working for me as I am gaining new followers on a daily basis.


  • Miriam Slozberg

    I am here to help entrepreneurs stand out in their fields. My team and I offer top of the line SEO and social media services, as well as individual consultation services. However, my objective for you is for you to be the influential one in your field. For every package and service that I offer other than the consultation services, you will receive a free half hour consultation with me. I will help you narrow down how you can stand out, and go over the type of content that will be helping you build your tribe and gain incredible reception from new followers- which will bring you more exposure and more business!

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